My Instagram Page

The website Photo Album shown under the “More” tab is intended to provide a variety of pictures covering various destinations and tours. There is little need to update it as the photos are still relavent. If you are interested in more recent pictures please feel free to check out my Instagram page.

You can find it on the Instagram app at @alpstours or on your desktop/laptop at alpstours.

The Alpine Motorbike Traveler
This site has both an English and German version. The English version is linked here. The site is loaded with all kinds of information pertaining to the Alps. It has a country by country breakdown with key information on a pass by pass basis within each country. There are maps, pictures, and weather info. and a whole lots more. A great Alpine site. (Currency Converter)
There are any number of places where you can go on the Internet and find currency conversions. For convenience I’ve shown one below.